Class Expections

 Miss Finke’s 6th Grade Physical Science

Contact info:

Classroom Rules:

1.         Prepared: students should be to class on time and ready to learn.  This includes having all materials for class (notebook, pens, pencils, markers, and highlighter) and homework completed.

2.         Productive: students should be actively completing task at hand and participating in class discussion, group work, etc.

3.         Polite: students should respect each other and property, demonstrate attentative listening, and show appreciation (no putdowns).  Students should use appropriate language (please, thank you, no swearing-this constitutes detention.)

4.         Lab Safety: The classroom is also our lab and therefore ALL lab safety requirements must be followed. This includes but is not limited to No Food or Drink, girls with long hair should have a hair tie available to use, and close-toed shoes may be necessary for specific labs. (I will inform students prior to days when close-toed shoes and hair ties are needed.)


*All school policies/ rules/ consequences that are outlined in the student planner will be enforced.


Absent: student should follow the procedure outlined on the absent board: check agenda, get missed handouts, copy missed notes, makeup assignments, and turn in homework that was due.

Assignments are due 2 days after returning to class (unless otherwise arranged with teacher.)


* I reserve the right to change the classroom rules/consequences and/or this grading policy as I deem necessary, students and parents will be informed of any changes.